Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"There has got to be another way"

Matthew 26: 36-46

In Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus faced difficulty when it was time for Him to submit totally to God’s Will. God did not require Jesus to perform miracles, preach, or even teach on this night. This night God needed Jesus to present His life as a sacrifice for the sins of world. Our Lord felt the burden of our sin and agony of if it’s sting. So much to the point that He looked to Heaven and asked if there was another way to perform God’s Will on this night, nevertheless He relented to God’s Will despite how He felt. He prayed two more times with the understanding that this was the Will of God for His life and He (Jesus) was willing to submit to God’s Desire.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord, we (just as Jesus did) submit to God’s Will and not our own. We submit to Him by u
nderstanding that we must abandon our need for personal glory so He may receive all the glory (John 3:30), much like John the Baptist. This means we live a righteous lifestyle of good works (Matthew 5:16) and sacrificial living (Romans 12:1). We are publicly performing good works that promote our faith in Jesus and we are privately living a life that honors God daily.

We believe and understand that God loves us (Romans 8:35-39) and the world (John 3:16) so we live life that shows our love of God and others (1 John 4:7-21) because God is love. So we are patient and kind; we do not envy or boast; we are not arrogant or rude. We do not insist on our own way; we are not irritable or resentful; we do not rejoice at wrongdoing, but we rejoice with the truth. We bear all things that pertain to God’s Will, we believe for God’s Will to be done in all things. We hope for God’s Will to be done in all things. And we are willing to endure all things pertaining to God’s Will. Because we firmly believe that God’s Love never ends and will not fail. So we gladly live a life of love because it helps others to experience His Love for them.

We live a life faith that is directed by His Word (Psalm 119:105) and His Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26, Proverbs 3). So we are dependent on God for direction in our daily lives. We courageously follow His direction despite where He may lead us because He is our Guide and we trust His plan (Jeremiah 29:11) we have submitted to His Will, We love Him, and we live a life of faith.

And lastly we live a new life. We know that our sins are no longer who we are because we have been crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6). So we are now are new creation in Christ Jesus our Lord (2 Corinthians 5:17) and we are willing to submit to His Will, express His love, and please Him with our Faith.

Stay focused you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

Get Jesus in Focus

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Who are you living for? Or better yet what are you talking about? If you carry the label of Christian how good are you at being God's Ambassador? We have been given a fearful and wonderful responsibility to tell the world about the Good News of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:11, Luke 2:10-11). But how good are we at sharing that message? Do people know you got to church or do they kn ow you love the Lord by the way you live your life (Romans 12:1) ?

I know a lot of people who have some religious affiliation to Christ but sometimes I am unsure how sincere their faith is because of how the live their lives. Now I am not saying this judgement but merely an observation. It is like the husband frequents a strip club and has affairs. I know he is married but I ques
tion his love and devotion for his wife.

So if I proclaim that I know Jesus and love Him, then I want to live my life to please Him and Him alone (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). Just like a married an stops dating because the love he has for his wife overrides his urge to seek love elsewhere.

As Christians we live for Christ, it is now up to us to help reconcile others to Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:18). We need to let people know that their sins are not counted against them (2 Corinthians 5:19). Because we are here to speak to the lost for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). We want others to know that Jesus died for their sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). But if are living for ourselves than what's the point? If we are only talking about ourselves or someone else than what is the point?

I urge you to refocus on living for Jesus and speaking about Him in a way that others will know that you have a relationship with Jesus and not just you go to church. Stay focused you can do this.

In His JOY!


Hebrews 11:1, 2 Corinthians 5:7

Time and life pulls on us all. It makes us question what we believe at times. But what are we to do when our eyes betray us? What do we do when our beliefs are in question and we unsure.

1) We pray and ask God to help us with our unbelief (Mark 9:24). It okay to have your cage rattled, you are human. But here is where confess our unbelief and ask the Lord for help to overcome it.

2) We listen to God's truth and not the lies of man, this increases our faith (Roman 10:17). We will listen to "foul mouth comedians", "crazy" preachers, "ungodly" music or even "negative" friends and we wonder why our faith wanes. Sometimes we need to get our ears checked and really focus on what we are listening to. So we read His Word, sing His Word, Pray His Word, and Confess His Word out loud.

3) And lastly we need to trust that God knows what He is doing (Jeremiah 29:11) and commit our way to Him (Psalm 37:5). When we fully give our lives over to the Lord although doubt may surface our faith in Christ will always overcome it. Because we trust Him to guide us with His Word instead of being guided by what we see, hear, or feel (Psalm 119:105).

Stay focused you can do this.

"In His JOY!"
Hebrews 11:1, 2 Corinthians 5:7

Time and life pulls on us all.  It makes us question what we believe at times.  But what are we to do when our eyes betray us?  What do we do when our beliefs are in question and we unsure.  

1)  We pray and ask God to help us with our unbelief (Mark 9:24).  It okay to have your cage rattled, you are human.  But here is where confess our unbelief and ask the Lord for help to overcome it.

2) We listen to God's truth and not the lies of man, this increases our faith (Roman 10:17).  We will listen to "foul mouth comedians", "crazy" preachers, "ungodly" music or even "negative" friends and we wonder why our faith wanes.  Sometimes we need to get our ears checked and really focus on what we are listening to.   So we read His Word, sing His Word, Pray His Word, and Confess His Word out loud.   

3) And lastly we need to trust that God knows what He is doing (Jeremiah 29:11) and commit our way to Him (Psalm 37:5).   When we fully give our lives over to the Lord although doubt may surface our faith in Christ will always overcome it.  Because we trust Him to guide us with His Word instead of being guided by what we see, hear, or feel (Psalm 119:105). 

Stay focused you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

Early Christmas Gift

Luke 2:10-11

"Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10-11)

The Good News is that Jesus had come to die for our sins and God loves us (John 3:16, 1 John 4:10) The Great Joy is we can now be called Children of God and spend eternity with Him if we accept Him as our Savior (John 3:16, 1 John 3:1). This free gift is for All People (Romans 6:9-10) and not just a select few and there is nothing we can do to earn it (Romans 6:23) It is simply John 3:16 But let us not forget we are in need of a Savior (Romans 3:23)

Stay focused, you can do this.

In His JOY!

"Mountain Climber"

James 1:1-4 

In the Old Testament Moses was always climbing a mountain. He was climbing a mountain looking for a lost sheep but God caught his attention and spoke to Moses through a burning bush. It was here that God spoke to him for the first time (Exodus 3). 

He climbed again in Exodus 19 however this time God not only spoke to Moses, He gave Moses, His Holy and Precious Word. Moses was given the Ten Commandments and for the time in history a man held the very Word of God in His Hands. 

He climbed a third time but this time he wanted more than the usual. He had heard God Speak and held the Word in his hands. But this time Moses wanted to see God. Moses wanted to stand in the very presence of God and experience His Glory. He wanted something more than what he had experienced and was used to. Their relationship had grown from more than God and His Servant Moses; it had changed to God and His Friend Moses (Exodus 33:11 - 34:10). It was in this moment a covenant was renewed and an unique friendship was kindled. 

It may feel as if you have been going back and forth up this mountain in your life. And I am sure you have grown as Christian. Much like Paul you had a life changing moment of clarity where you realized who God was and His love for you (Act 9:3-6) and you where never the same. The funny thing you may not have been looking of for God but He was looking for you. 

And I am sure you found yourself climbing another mountain as time went on and God gave you His Word to stand on. And now you know His Word in a deeper and better way because you cam rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

But this may be your last mountain to overcome. Your moment where you say to yourself "How much longer Lord" or "Why am I back here again". But here I implore you, do not settle for the usual. Ask God for something more this time up the mountain. Come down different, changed, renewed, transformed, etc. Ask The Lord "Show me your glory", shift your focus for the person, problem, and seek to know Jesus. 

I guess I am saying do not let this experience change you but let God change you. So many times we focus so much seeking deliverance we forget God tells us to seek Him first (Matthew 6:28-34) Take this time to draw closer to God. Look beyond the situation and look to God. Crave to know Him more and experience His love and truth. Do not look at this as a mountain to climb but see it as a moment to experience God. This is why we count it all JOY! not because we are facing a mountain but because we are growing in Christ and growing closer to God (James 1:1-4). Stay focused you can, are, will, and shall do this! 

In His JOY!

"All aboard"

Proverbs 3:5-8

God requires our entire dependence and unyielding trust be in Him. His Word is our assurance that whatever He speaks, promises  or proclaims to us in our lives will always come to pass (Isaiah 55:11). But to do this we must not rely on our understanding of the situation and the circumstances that surround it. 

So we humble ourselves to the very Will and Way of God. Knowing that in His proper time He will bring His Will to pass in our lives. Thus we abandon our cares, worries, and anxieties because we are in His care now (1 Peter 5:6)

So we acknowledge publicly and privately that the Lord is leading us and guiding us. When questioned by others, pressured to change course, or when problems bloom we still submit to God's Will. We are steadfast in our faith knowing that Lord is still guiding through the Light of His Word (Psalm 119:105), so we meditate on His Word day and night so that we are careful to follow His direction(Psalm 119:9-10).

And it is in this entire process that we see our wisdom as foolishness and God's as true genius. Our respect and awe of the Lord grows while our desire for evil dies. Because our lives have been transformed and our minds renewed, so others can see what God's perfect and acceptable will looks like (Romans 12:2). And now we gladly present our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) because in Him we are refreshed and renewed 

Friends I implore you to follow God's direction like a train does a track, and trust the conductor He knows where He is leading you. Stay focused you can do this. 

"In His JOY!"
Proverbs 3:5-8

God requires our entire dependence and unyeilding  trust be in Him.  His Word is our assurance that whatever He speaks, promisies, or proclaims to us in our lives will always come to pass (Isaiah 55:11).  But to do this we must not rely on our understanding of the situation and the circumstances that surround it.  

So we humble ourselve to the very Will and Way of God.  Knowing that in His proper time He will bring His Will to pass in our lives. Thus we abandon our cares, worries, and anxieties because we are in His care now (1 Peter 5:6)

So we acknowledge pubilcy and privately that the Lord is leading us and guiding us.  When questioned by others, pressured to change course, or when problems bloom we still submit to God's Will.  We are steadfast in our faith knowing that Lord is still guiding through the Light of His Word (Psalm 119:105), so we meditate on His Word day and night so that we are careful to follow His direction(Psalm 119:9-10).

And it is in this entire process that we see our wisdom as foolishness and God's as true genius.  Our respect and awe of the Lord grows while our deisrie for evil dies.  Because our lives have been transformed and our minds renewed, so others can see what God's perfect and acceptable will looks like (Romans 12:2).  And now we gladly present our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) because in Him we are refreshed and renewed 

Friends I implore you to follow God's direction like a train does a track, and trust the conducter He knows where He is leading you.  Stay focused you can do this. 

"In His JOY!"

Follow the plan

Matthew 16:13-23
"Who do you say I am?", is what Jesus asked the twelve disciples and the only one to speak up was Peter. Peter instantly responded "You are the Christ, The Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:16) Astonished and joyful Jesus quickly pointed out how God had reveled this to Peter and not some mortal man (Matthew 16:17) 

Jesus later goes on to tell Peter that "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18) After this phenomenal moment Jesus begins to tell His Disciples that He must go to Jerusalem to suffer, be killed, and be resurrected (Mathew 16:21). Peter being concerned pulls Him aside and rebukes Him and says, "Far be it from you Lord! This shall never happen to you. (Matthew 16:22)" But
 Jesus looked at Peter and said "Get behind me Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man. (Matthew 16:23)"

Wow! One minute Jesus is rejoicing with Peter for the things God has revealed to him and the next minute Jesus is rebuking the devil. Peter has just gone from being called a foundation rock to being called a stumbling block. I am sure Peter's head was spinning in circles.

But how often are we just like Peter. God reveals Who He is in our lives and we firmly believe that He is God and He is God. We attest and affirm that God is capable of doing any and everything He chooses to do. But it is when we hear the actual plan He has for us or someone else we are quick to say "Lord, not so, this shall never happen." It is here when we become a stumbling block to God's plan and at this point we need to be corrected. We cannot only accept Jesus for who He is we must also accept His plan and how He chooses to carry it out.

I enjoy how Christ made a distinction that Peter's revelation and faith came from God alone but Peter's doubt and unbelief in God's plan came form satan. Where are you friends? Has God revealed Himself to you, has He shown you that He is good and that He is God? Has He shown you that Jesus is the Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isiah 9:6), Christ, Lord and Savior? But have you accepted His plan for you? Have you accepted that the plans He has for someone else's life may not be what you envisioned for that particular person? Or are you doubting the plan but still confessing you belief in God? Because you cannot do both. You cannot profess to believe Jesus with your mouth a rebel against His plan for you with your actions

Trust Jesus friends regardless of where His plans for you lead you or take you. Just trust Him. Stay focused, you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

"We are..."

Revelation 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:11-13
We are a people filled with JOY! and excitement for what is to come. We are kids who our filled with anticipation of unwrapping a gift that is eternal and pure. We live each day longing to be with Jesus and dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3). We are not a people down trodden and filled with despair. We are not a people who are forgotten and cast aside.

We are a people who know mourning will cease, crying will halt, pain will be no more, and death will end (Revelation 21:4). We are a people who will have our thirst satisfied, life will be eternal. The debt for all this is paid in full (Revelation 21:6).

We are not not cowards, faithless, detestable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, or liars but we are those who accepted Jesus not only as the Savior of our souls but as Lord of our life. We are not perfect but we are forgiven.

We strive to live holy land godly lives and wait for the day of our Lord. We are different, and we embrace who we are in Jesus. We walk towards the light and press toward the mark, and forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:14). In this we continually rejoice. Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"
Revelation 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:11-13
We are a people filled with JOY! and excitement for what is to come.  We are kids who our filled with anticipation of unwrapping a gift that is eternal and pure.  We live each day longing to be with Jesus and dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3).  We are not a people down trodden and filled with despair.  We are not a people who are forgotten and cast aside.  

We are a people who know mourning will cease, crying will halt, pain will be no more, and death will end (Revelation 21:4).  We are a people who will have our thirst satisfied, life will be eternal. The debt for all this is paid in full (Revelation 21:6).  

We are not not cowards, faithless, detestable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, or liars but we are those who accepted Jesus not only as the Savior of our souls but as Lord of our life.  We are not perfect but we are forgiven. 

We strive to live holy land godly lives and wait for the day of our Lord.  We are different, and we embrace who we are in Jesus.  We walk towards the light and press toward the mark, and forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:14).  In this we continually rejoice.  Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

"All in"

"All In"

Daniel 3:16-18

Are you all in? Three Amigos in the Book of Daniel Chapter 3 faced a difficult choice. Worship a golden image of a man or be burned alive. In the face of such opposition the friends made a difficult choice. "God will deliver us, but if not we refuse to bow down (Paraphrased)", these where not concerned with the outcome. It did not matter whether they lived or died, all that mattered to them was that God would be glorified.

God's glory is more important than the outcome. Victory is God being glorified in my life. This does not mean that we do not pray for healing, health, life, etc. But it does mean our main concern is for God to glorified above all.

In Daniel Chapter 3 God delivered the Three Friends (Daniel 3:28). But in Hebrews 11:36-40 we read of people who did not receive the outcome that they desired. However this did not discourage them, they carried on and persevered all for the sake of the Gospel.

So what are you more concerned about, getting the victory you want are bringing glory to God by presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)? Meaning we live only to please Him and Him alone. Stay focused, you can do this.

In His JOY!

Perfectly imperfect

2 Corinthians 4:7

Christians are not perfect people. We are fragile people who constantly mess up and do wrong. Whether it is intentionally or by accident there is no such thing as a perfect Christian. But despite these imperfections God chooses to use Christians tell the entire world that Jesus is Lord and desires for all to know and love Him just He knows and loves them (John 3:16, Jeremiah

We are like jars of play-duh that have precious diamonds in them. Press them to hard and they crumble knock on them to hard and they fall apart. It is a very perplexing thing to think about. But oddly enough the Bible says we will feel the pressures of life and not be crushed (2 Corinthians 4:8) and if knocked down we will not meet our end (2 Corinthians 4:9).

A perfect God wants to use an imperfect being as His ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20). But have you ever meet the perfect person, someone who never messes up, someone who is always right and never wrong, etc. Because I know you are not perfect either. I know you mess up and make mistakes that you regret. I know that no matter how much you have tried you can never get over the hump.

But I am here to tell you that in my imperfections I have found my perfect God still loves me. I know that have disappointed so many people and even if they do not forgive me, My God does and He has. I know that love that will not die in time, a hope that will not fade due to circumstances, and a strength that increases daily.

So my question is what do you have? I admit I am not what you think I am but I know I am what God says I am? And to have what I have all you need to do is; Accept that Jesus died for your wrong, Believe that He is an alive and active Lord, and Confess that you have sinned.

Stay focused you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

My Hope walked on water

2 Peter 3:9

There is hope for this world ad-mist all the grief that surrounds it (Proverbs 10:28). There is a real JOY that cannot be derailed by emotions (John 16:22). There is a peace that surpasses intellect (Philippians 4:6-7). And there is a strength that never grows weak (Romans 16:25)

But all these are only for those who dare accept Jesus. Although we mourn and grieve, we are assure
d that our mourning will end and our comfort will begin (Psalm 126:5). If tragedy strikes our hearts ache but our JOY remains (Nehemiah 8:10). We have Christ Peace within us despite the chaos around us (John 14:27). And we know the Lord will always renew our strength when we are emotionally drained (Psalm 27:14).

So I plead with you to accept Jesus. Understand that you have done wrong and admit it. Know that He died for your wrongs but believe that death could not contain Him. Allow him to be the Lord of your life by following Him. Take a chance and experience something that is true, pure, and good.

Stay focused, you can do this!

In His JOY!

Secrets of Abuse

Psalm 147:3, Luke 10:25-37 

Abuse is a real thing. Sometimes we close our eyes to it, we act as if nothing is happening, or we make excuses for the behavior. Much like the Preacher and the Deacon who saw an abused man and walked away (Luke 10:30-32) All the while the one who is being abused screams out for help to deaf ears and they lay in defeat (Luke 10:30) 

It is hard for someone to be
lieve that God loves them when they are being abused on a regular basis. They go to church and hear of a Heavenly Dream only to go home to a hellish nightmare. And they begin to question "God where are you"? The abused escape into a fantasy world where they flee reality and embrace the dream of freedom they yearn and cry for. 

God uses His people to take care of His people. He uses us to care for the those who have been abandoned, hurt, and ignored (Luke 10:33-35). The Good Samaritan cared for someone who had been abused. He expressed compassion and cared more for the abused man than he cared for himself. By stopping and getting involved The Samaritan's reputation was on the line, his personal safety was in jeopardy, and his time and money where lost. Are you willing to pay the cost to help the abused, just as the Good Samaritan did? Are will you simply pass by? Well Jesus tells us this is the cost He desires and commands for us to pay (Luke 10:37)

Christians cannot stand back and do nothing while we know abuse is taken place in a home. We are called to help and aid those in need. We not only offer prayer we offer service. 

We know of people who will let their children be abused because they fear if they do something their "soul mate" will leave them. We have families that keep secrets to maintain an image. Sexual, physical, mental, and verbal abuse does not glorify God. 

This does not mean we swoop in and try to destroy a family. By no means at all do we do this. We try to help restore, rebuild, and reshape a family for the Glory of God. This means we find good Christian Biblical Counselors who know the Word of God who can give guidance. It means we confront our issues for the sake of the Gospel and not for the sake of gossip. It means we forgive (yes, we forgive) and let healing being. It means we do not hold against it the abuser and we offer grace. Yes we extend the arm of grace. It means that our little cousins, nieces, nephews, sister, brother, etc. may live with us for a while. I am talking about humility, grace, and love.

It may mean you take a break and separate for a time (but this does not mean divorce). It may mean you own up to the abuse you caused and may face jail time. It means you final grow up and become an adult. I am not asking you to be a superhero, I am only asking you to be a Christian. Stay focused, you can do this. 

"In His JOY!"

Mercy triumphs justice

Matthew 18:21-35 

Here is a challenge for you, describe a person who does not forgive someone in one word....and the answer is WICKED! That is right someone who refuses to forgive is called wicked. 

When you read about the unforgiving servant a man owed an enormous debt to his master. His master ordered that the servant be sold along with his wife and children. And than on top of that the 
debt must still be paid. The servant pleaded with his master for more time to repay his debt. The master had pity on him and forgave the debt completely and released the servant. Total and complete forgiveness. How sweet is the notion of knowing that we are forgiven, it would have been wonderful if the story ended there but it goes on. 

The servant goes home rejoicing in his forgiveness. However he sees someone who owes him debt. Not mind you the debt was not as great as the debt the servant owed his master. The debt the servant owed his master could not be counted. But here we are, the servant demanding his small debt be paid off now! The debtor pleaded for mercy but the servant refused to hear his plea and had the debtor jailed until his debt was paid in full. 

Well the master was informed of what had happened and immediately summoned the servant to be brought before him. And this time mercy was not on the agenda. The master was furious and could not understand how someone who was forgiven so much could not forgive so little, how could they be so wicked and not show mercy? The master sent the servant to jail to pay a debt he could not afford. 

The Word reminds us in the end that God will treat those who refuse to forgive the same. He will treat them as a wicked servant.  This begs the question, are you the wicked servant who will not forgive? Are you unwilling to forgive someone? Are you so committed to holding on to your unforgiveness that you are willing to suffer Hell? 

Friends mercy will always triumph justice. Mercy overrides our feelings. Mercy does not need to receive an apology, it only needs to offer forgiveness. If you are so focused on receiving justice instead of giving mercy then God makes it very clear, He will do the same. He will not seek mercy on the debt you owe Him, He will seek justice and justice alone. Now I ask you is that a load or a burden you can bear on your own? 

But how do we forgive those who have wronged us. We forgive them day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second. We never stop forgiving. We study the Word and search the scriptures to understand forgiveness better. We pray for those who we feel we have wronged and openly forgive them. We contact those who have been on our "naughty" list and offer forgiveness. We focus on God's love instead of our hate. We become born again, made anew, transformed...in other words we become a Christian. 

Now is this easy? No! Is it tough? Yes! But does it show God's love? Yes! Does it bring God Glory? Yes! And friends that all that matters. Stay focused, you can do this. 

"In His JOY!"

Dying to live

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

Death carries a heavy toll on the heart and mind. We try hard to fight off the feelings and the emotions that come from losing a loved one. We often try to mask the pain and ignore the injury. But the reality is death happens and comes for us all. 10 out of 10 people will die, it is something we cannot escape and something that we all face.

However for those who know Jes
us and long to be with Him, we embrace death because it is in our death we will finally wake up and experience true life (2 Corinthians 5:4). We know we are only "renting" these earthly homes we call a body. Because our true homes have been "bought" and paid in full. Our debt free homes are waiting for us in Heaven. (2 Corinthians 5:1)

And our home cannot be foreclosed on by the "bank of illness", it cannot be broken into and destroyed by our enemy, infested by worry, or rusted by time. Because our builder is our protector and His alarm system is our guarantee that the house is ours (2 Corinthians 5:5)

So we are in good courage, because we are the bride who is temporally separated from the groom. We are the prom date excitingly waiting for door bell to ring. We prepare ourselves to please our groom. We fix our clothing, clean our faces, and prepare our hearts for the eternal date that will begin never end (2 Corinthians 5:6-10).

So yes we may mourn for a while, we may cry and sob. But don't let our tears fool you. Don't let our anguish miss lead you. Because inside we rejoice. Inside we are celebrating. Inside pure JOY! is complete because we know where our sisters and brothers in Christ are. They are not in a casket, they are not in the ground, they are not here. For they are absent from us and present with our Lord! And this current suffering we are feeling is for outweighed by the future glory that awaits us (Romans 8:18).

Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

It's a choice you must make...and not a sign you need

Matthew 12:38-14, 16:1-4
The Pharisees and Sadducees consistently demanded a sign from the Lord. They wanted proof that Jesus was who He said He was. His Word was not good enough for them. And Jesus consistently called them an evil and adulterous generation for seeking a sign and not the Savior.

Jesus had performed many miracles. He healed people (Matthew 15:29-31) feed thousands (Matthew 15:
32-39), healed a man with a withered hand (Matthew 12:9-14), a paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8), a dead girl, a bleeding woman, two blind guys, and a mute man (Mathew 9:18-34). But the Pharisees demanded more.

Jesus professed that the only miracle and sign that was truly needed was the sign of Jonah. Jonah had suffered in the whale for three days and was good as dead but God restored him back to life (Jonah 2). In other words Jesus resurrections is the only sign that they needed, nothing more and nothing less.

What do you need Jesus to do in your life to prove that He is God? What is it that you are seeking for God to prove Himself to you? Some of us don't believe He lived, died, and came back. You want proof, you have heard the story but it is not enough. You want more.

Jesus made it clear the Resurrection is all the proof you need. Even if someone returned form Hell to warn you would not be enough (Luke 16:19-30). It is simply a choice you must make. You can choose to believe the Lord and live your life accordingly or you can choose to ignore Him and live life the way you see fit (Deuteronomy 30:15). It is not a sign you need because it has already been given. Instead it is a choice you must make, life or death.

Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"