Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"We are..."

Revelation 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:11-13
We are a people filled with JOY! and excitement for what is to come. We are kids who our filled with anticipation of unwrapping a gift that is eternal and pure. We live each day longing to be with Jesus and dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3). We are not a people down trodden and filled with despair. We are not a people who are forgotten and cast aside.

We are a people who know mourning will cease, crying will halt, pain will be no more, and death will end (Revelation 21:4). We are a people who will have our thirst satisfied, life will be eternal. The debt for all this is paid in full (Revelation 21:6).

We are not not cowards, faithless, detestable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, or liars but we are those who accepted Jesus not only as the Savior of our souls but as Lord of our life. We are not perfect but we are forgiven.

We strive to live holy land godly lives and wait for the day of our Lord. We are different, and we embrace who we are in Jesus. We walk towards the light and press toward the mark, and forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:14). In this we continually rejoice. Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"
Revelation 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:11-13
We are a people filled with JOY! and excitement for what is to come.  We are kids who our filled with anticipation of unwrapping a gift that is eternal and pure.  We live each day longing to be with Jesus and dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3).  We are not a people down trodden and filled with despair.  We are not a people who are forgotten and cast aside.  

We are a people who know mourning will cease, crying will halt, pain will be no more, and death will end (Revelation 21:4).  We are a people who will have our thirst satisfied, life will be eternal. The debt for all this is paid in full (Revelation 21:6).  

We are not not cowards, faithless, detestable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, or liars but we are those who accepted Jesus not only as the Savior of our souls but as Lord of our life.  We are not perfect but we are forgiven. 

We strive to live holy land godly lives and wait for the day of our Lord.  We are different, and we embrace who we are in Jesus.  We walk towards the light and press toward the mark, and forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:14).  In this we continually rejoice.  Stay focused, you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

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