Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Mountain Climber"

James 1:1-4 

In the Old Testament Moses was always climbing a mountain. He was climbing a mountain looking for a lost sheep but God caught his attention and spoke to Moses through a burning bush. It was here that God spoke to him for the first time (Exodus 3). 

He climbed again in Exodus 19 however this time God not only spoke to Moses, He gave Moses, His Holy and Precious Word. Moses was given the Ten Commandments and for the time in history a man held the very Word of God in His Hands. 

He climbed a third time but this time he wanted more than the usual. He had heard God Speak and held the Word in his hands. But this time Moses wanted to see God. Moses wanted to stand in the very presence of God and experience His Glory. He wanted something more than what he had experienced and was used to. Their relationship had grown from more than God and His Servant Moses; it had changed to God and His Friend Moses (Exodus 33:11 - 34:10). It was in this moment a covenant was renewed and an unique friendship was kindled. 

It may feel as if you have been going back and forth up this mountain in your life. And I am sure you have grown as Christian. Much like Paul you had a life changing moment of clarity where you realized who God was and His love for you (Act 9:3-6) and you where never the same. The funny thing you may not have been looking of for God but He was looking for you. 

And I am sure you found yourself climbing another mountain as time went on and God gave you His Word to stand on. And now you know His Word in a deeper and better way because you cam rightly divide the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

But this may be your last mountain to overcome. Your moment where you say to yourself "How much longer Lord" or "Why am I back here again". But here I implore you, do not settle for the usual. Ask God for something more this time up the mountain. Come down different, changed, renewed, transformed, etc. Ask The Lord "Show me your glory", shift your focus for the person, problem, and seek to know Jesus. 

I guess I am saying do not let this experience change you but let God change you. So many times we focus so much seeking deliverance we forget God tells us to seek Him first (Matthew 6:28-34) Take this time to draw closer to God. Look beyond the situation and look to God. Crave to know Him more and experience His love and truth. Do not look at this as a mountain to climb but see it as a moment to experience God. This is why we count it all JOY! not because we are facing a mountain but because we are growing in Christ and growing closer to God (James 1:1-4). Stay focused you can, are, will, and shall do this! 

In His JOY!

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