Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sin is like an onion, it makes you cry

Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted

Sin is a problem that all humanity faces. Sin does not care about color, race, or creed. It affects all of us and it some point in our life. Sin destroys relationships, has some very consequences, and has no conscience. We should mourn over our sins and never feel comfortable for what we have done. Our Godly sorrow we experience should lead us to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9-10). We should never get comfortable sinning, if we sin and we feel no guilt or shame there is a problem.

A good example of this is when Paul wrote his first letter to the Church of Corinth to hold the church accountable for their actions. The letter showed the Corinthians content of their hearts and how they were not acting in a Christ like manner. After reading the letter the Corinthians became sad due toPaul's words. After hearing of their sadness Paul wrote another letter to the Corinthians. Paul tells them that he was not sorry to hear that they were sad due to his letter but he does have compassion for them (2 Corinthians 7:8). He was however happy –not because he made them sad, but because their sadness caused them to change their ways and turn back to God (2 Corinthians 7:9). Sadness over our sin propels us to turn back to God but unlike when we ignore the Godly sorrow it will lead us to a horrific end (2 Corinthians 7:10). So we
confess our sins to the Lord, repent, and turn towards. We have great comfort in knowing we are not condemned (Romans 8:1) but we are forgiven. Not only are we forgiven we are also comforted by God's Grace and Mercy (Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7). Our God is faithful and just to forgive when we confess our sins. So we repent and pursue the Lord and His Way.

Now the Pharisees heard Jesus speak but did not stop their hypocrisy. The Scribes heard Him speak but remained prideful. The Sadducees heard Him speak but still loved the world more than God. They did not feel Godly sorrow instead they rebelled and accused Jesus of teaching heresy. So what will you do when confronted with the truth? Will you humble yourself and change or will call the truth a lie and a lie the truth?

When confronted the Word of Truth we change. We now turn towards God. Our relationship becomes deeper and more intimate with Jesus. So our heart begins to want what the Lord desires. We rejoice at what makes the Lord glad and find no pleasure in the Lord's Will not being done (1 Corinthians 13:6). So we are not glad win sin is promoted and righteousness is called evil and intolerant. Our wish is to see the Will of God be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). We are eagerly waiting to receive our glorified bodies and live with Jesus for all eternity (Romans 8:18-24). So mourn and yearn until the day He wipes away ever tear (Revelation 21:4). But until such time we share the Gospel with others and helping them find Christ. Because we want to come and know the Lord like we know Him. We want them to find true comfort in Jesus and not the false sense of hope the devil offers.

 So, we are a people filled with joy and excitement for what is to come. We are kids who our filled with anticipation of unwrapping a gift that is eternal and pure. We live each day longing dwell with Jesus forever (Revelation 21:3). We are not a people down trodden and filled with despair. We are not a people who are forgotten and cast aside. We are a people who know sadness will end, crying will halt, pain will be no more, and death will end (Revelation 21:4). We are a people who will have our thirst satisfied and life will be eternal (Revelation 21:6). 

We are not people who openly reject Jesus but we are those who accepted Jesus not only as the Savior of our souls but as Lord of our life. We are not perfect but we are forgiven. We strive to live holy land godly lives and wait for the day of our Lord (2 Peter 3:9-13). We are different, and we embrace who we are in Jesus. We walk towards the light and press toward the mark, and forget what is behind us (Philippians 3:14). In this we continually rejoice. And this is our comfort, the assurance sin will not win in the end but Christ will reign forever.

Stay focused, you can do this!

In His JOY!

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