Exodus 3:1-11
God spoke to Moses through a burning bush and told him, he the instrumental to set the people of Israel free. In verse 8 God says that He has come down to deliver them and in verse 10 God tells Moses that he will be His tool for deliverance.
As the chapter goes on Moses begins to focus on his personal weakness and unbelief. Funny how we can easily turns God's purpose in our lives to focus primarily on us. God has placed a calling on all of our lives to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). But we are quick to turn the focus on how we can benefit from God's Will. We think of how to franchise our name, get paid for our gifts, or become well-known. This leads us to seek after the promotion, inspires us to dream big, or makes us extremely self-centered. We should seek to bring God glory and not merely promote ourselves. We should inspire to dream of seeing God's Will being accomplished on Earth and not a "highway mansion in the sky". We should stay extremely Christ centered and negate self centeredness. Because God's Will has nothing to do with what we want for ourselves. It has everything to do with disciplining others and bringing God glory.
God desires for us to make disciples of the nations. He wants everyone to follow His instruction and know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Being careful not to get lost in the dreams of this world. It is tempting to use God to get what we want (as if we could). It is tantalizing to pray for everything I want but neglect to see seek after His desires for my life. We can not get lost in the fantasy of "Big Ego World", Population: You. Our gifts our not to bring us glory and benefit us. Our gifts are to give glory to God and be an aid to the Body of Christ (Romans 12:3-7, 1 Corinthians 12:12-28). We are here for one another and not our personal benefit.
God did not call Moses to stardom, he called him to serve. In the same way God has not called us to uplift our egos and be served, He has called us to uplift and serve each other. We must stop playing "American Church Idol" and allowing the world to judge if we are a success or a failure. We must start to pursue God's Will and work together as the Body Christ. We are on "Gilligan Island of Life" and we are all trying to get off the island and get home to Jesus. But when we are trying to use God to carry out our will we will forever be stuck in the muck of our "Groundhog Day of Selfishness".
It's not about you, I know the tv life coach tells you everyday it's all about you. I know the song on the radio is encouraging you to do what you want. I know that best-selling book gave you the 25 steps to becoming awesome. And I know that inspirational movie motivated you to carry out you every ambition. But I implore you to seek God's Will over your own. Discover how He wants to use you to make disciples of the nations. And I promise you, your life will never be the same.
Stay focused, you can do this!
"In His JOY!'
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