Sunday, May 5, 2013

"I am a REJECT!"

Luke 10:1-16

We live in a world where we want the approval of others as opposed to respect. We will hold back the truth and tell a lie to make others comfortable. We stand up for what is convenient and shy away from what could cause controversy. All in all we do not want to endure rejection. We do not want to experience life as an outcast of popular society. It's like we immature kids in "High School" trying to fit in with the cool kids.

This world needs more people who are willing to stand up for truth and be unashamed about it. We need more people who are willing face rejection for the sake of Christ. Jesus made it clear that there are people yearning for truth but there are not many people willing to share the truth of The Gospel (Luke 10:2). And He said we should pray to the Lord that He will raise up more people willing to go out and share God's Truth.

We must have the willingness to go out and proclaim God's Inconvenient Truth to a world that would rather bathe in comfortable lies. We have to understand we will be like foxes being chased down by a hunter. We are the prey in a hostile world (Luke 10:3). But this does not stop us from sharing the truth. It also means we will face rejection, called intolerant, and unwise because we are trying to call rebels to repentance.

We cannot run from our responsibility to share God's Truth and His Message of Salvation because we fear rejection and ridicule. Instead we should find delight in sharing God's Truth regardless of how others may view us are treat us. Because the real travesty is that they are not rejecting our truth but rather they are rejecting God's Truth (Luke 10:16). And this does not mean we are harsh, condemning, and arrogant. No instead we speak the truth in love and not in hate (Ephesians 4:15)

So we are rejects in the world's eyes as well as outcast. But despite all of this we are still God's Children and we have the wonderous JOY! of experiencing His love, the freedom that comes from walking in and knowing His Truth, and the peace of His Salvation. This alone should compel us to share God's Truth with others so that the may experience what we have.

Stay focused, you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

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