Saturday, February 9, 2013

"Are you King Herod?"

Matthew 2:1-12, 16-18

At the time of Jesus Birth, some wise from the east came to Jerusalem seeking to find Him. They desired to worship Him (whom they called King of the Jews) and inquired of King Herod (the king appointed by Rome) as to the whereabouts of the child ( Matthew 2:1-3). King Herod along with all of Jerusalem panicked at this news (Matthew 2:3). The king gathered his advisers around him and asked where the child was born, they told the king Jesus was born in Bethlehem. And even gave him the scriptural reference. They explained to the King that this child was to rule over the Jews and be Shepherd to God's People (Matthew 2:5-6). He then met with the wise men and told to go and find the child so he may worship him as well. Although his motives were to kill the child and stay ruler over Jerusalem (Matthew 2:16-18). The wise men however just wanted to worship Jesus and at the very sight of Him their hearts burst with JOY ( Matthew 2:9-12)!

When Herod found out that there was a new king and ruler of Jerusalem, he allowed his pride to get the better of him. He could not bow his knee to another king. He was unwilling to relinquish his power and authority to someone else. His pride blinded him to the truth. Jesus was not here to take his throne, influence, power, or authority. On the contrary Jesus here to give him eternal life and take away his sins (John 1:29, John 3:16). He concept of the purpose of Jesus was misunderstood and his advisers did a poor job of explain the purpose of Jesus. If he had accepted Jesus in his life, Herod would have come to know the same JOY! that wise men experienced when they worshiped Jesus. The awe and amazement of Jesus would have transformed his life and outlook. But pride brought all this to a stretching halt.

What about you? Are you refusing to accept Jesus because of your pride. Are you saying to yourself "Nobody rules me, I'm the boss of my life!" Funny how we will submit to people who pay us, people who have authority over us, or even people who we fear. But we won't submit to Jesus. All we are doing is recreating what Herod did and missing out on a "golden" opportunity. We must cast aside our pride and accept Jesus. It is a choice you will never regret. Stay focused, you can do this!

In His JOY!

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