Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Hey, pay attention. I'm talking"

Hebrews 3:15-19, 2 Samuel 12:1-15, Acts 9:1-19

David and Saul where far from God. David was having an affair and planned a murder. Saul was persecuting Christians to the death. However God got David's attention using a children's story. It was not to belittle David as if he could understand his sin. it was so David could understand the impact of his sin and the consequences of it. David was convicted and turned from sin. He blinded Saul to get His attention not because God was being cruel but to stop Him from sinning against God. It was to stop murder spree and give Saul instruction that changed his belief of who Jesus. And to Saul a new purpose and even change Saul's name to Paul. What is your child like story, what is your blinding light? What is God using to get your attention. Are you listening or are you ignoring God as if He does not know you are heading in the wrong direction. What instruction is He trying to get to you to bring you closer to Him? He is talking are you listening?

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"

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