Sunday, August 25, 2013

"I am not your enemy brother!"

Funny how we can recognize when we are offended by another Christian but we fail to recognize how the devil uses a momentary offense to make us eternal enemies with our brother and sisters in Christ. See the devil for who is and see that Christian, who offended you as a brother or sister in need of your forgiveness, mercy, grace, and spiritual growth. The more time you spend with God the easier it is to tell when the enemy is trying to steal, kill, and destroy your relationship with another member in the family of Christ. Fight the enemy not your family.

John 10:10, Ephesians 6:10-18

Take your faith and see it through

Don't let your faith waiver in times of great peril or disappointment. If you remain steadfast and believe that God is able to do what He has promised, you will see the glory of God in your situation and it will be a witness to others. Don't lose heart.

John 11:39-45, Hebrews 11:1,6

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Stop rockin' the boat, just leave"

Jonah 1-3

How do you handle direction? If God where to tell you to move to a different state, find a new job, or just some major change in your life how would you handle it? Would you consider where God is sending you, to whom He is sending, or maybe you would ask yourself "How does this benefit me?" 

I look at Jonah, God give Him clear direction to go speak to a rebellious people but Jonah rejected that notion and went the opposite direction (Jonah 1:1-3). But God got His attention by giving Jonah the worst cruise experience ever and followed it up by making Jonah seafood (Jonah 7-17).
Jonah did relent and do what the Lord had directed him to do (Jonah 2). But it took God allowing that adversity in the life of Jonah for Jonah to change his mind and obediently follow God.

So I ask you are you following God? Has God provided you with clear direction and you have clearly gone the opposite way? Is God calling out of a corporate office and into international missions. Is God calling you out of the pulpit and into an office. Is God calling you to go a speak with your next door neighbor. Is God calling you to humble yourself and take a job that does not pay well. Or God may even be calling you to share Christ with your enemy. But I assure you God is calling you to do something but if you neglect to obedient to the call do not be shocked when He "rocks your boat", and much like Jonah, God does not "rock your boat" to take His anger out on you. No He is simply trying to get you headed in the right direction. He wants you to see the bigger picture. His callings for our lives have nothing to do with what we want, it has all to do with leading others to repentance that they may know Christ.

Jonah was to go Nineveh deliver God's Word, and their godly sorrow lead them to repent (Jonah 3:6-10). That is what God has called us to do. We are to reconcile others with God through Jesus and show them how live a Christian life (Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Now where He has chosen for us to do it is His Sovereign Choice, not ours. We have to get over being selfish and wanting things done our way. It's not about "you" or "me", it's all about Him and bringing salvation to those who need it wherever they are. Stay focused, you can do this.

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"


I remember when Curran became sick this year sometime around Christmas. He slept most of the day away but he woke up for a moment and asked could he sit in my lap. I said sure buddy, he laid in my arms and fell asleep. Then he sat up and looked me in eyes, I felt we were having a good father and son moment. However without warning, he opened his mouth and vomited all over me.

It lasted for about 1 minute but it felt like an eternity. I could not move fast enough to get out-of-the-way. I was dunking and dodging the vomit but I did not leave my son because he needed me.

I think of how many times I have offended God with my poor choices regardless of my reasoning behind making them. But He never left my side. He was not pleased with my actions but He stayed with me through my illness of sin. God would not leave my side because I was His son and in my sin I was desperate need of Him. He loved not only with words but with action.

But what about our fellow Christians, why do we separate our love from them. In the midst of trouble, hardship, persecution, material things, danger, or war I have seen Christians abandon each other and spread vicious rumors. As Christians we should allow nothing to come between us because we need each other. We don't have the power to stop someone from having issues and taking it out on us. Much like I did not have the power to stop Curran from getting sick and vomiting on me. But we do have the power to forgive them and stay close enough to them so they will know we are here to help. But just like I was moving out-of-the-way of Curran's Projectiles so I would not get sick but I remained close enough to help. We should not stand by and subject ourselves to unnecessary pain. Because run the damaged of "getting sick" ourselves. We can become bitter, unforgiving, cold-hearted, or yet worse walk away from the Lord.

This is why we must learn to love as God loves. We allow nothing to stop our love for God's People or even our enemies for that matter. The world loves with categorical love, but we are not like them. We walk in love, speak the truth in love, and never stop loving. We love even when it hurts. If our spiritually sick brother/sister in Christ wrongs (for whatever reason) we stay steadfast and try to help them get well. We are close enough to them to help all the while ensuring we are not putting ourselves in position to get "sick" as well. Stay focused you can do this.
Romans 8:35-39

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Deliver Me!"

Sometimes God gives us victory in a situation, physically delivers us from the situation, and/or He decides to take us to our Heavenly Home. Either way you are His and He will take care of you. Stay focused, you can do this.

Isaiah 43:1-5, 1 Peter 5:10-11

"Hey, pay attention. I'm talking"

Hebrews 3:15-19, 2 Samuel 12:1-15, Acts 9:1-19

David and Saul where far from God. David was having an affair and planned a murder. Saul was persecuting Christians to the death. However God got David's attention using a children's story. It was not to belittle David as if he could understand his sin. it was so David could understand the impact of his sin and the consequences of it. David was convicted and turned from sin. He blinded Saul to get His attention not because God was being cruel but to stop Him from sinning against God. It was to stop murder spree and give Saul instruction that changed his belief of who Jesus. And to Saul a new purpose and even change Saul's name to Paul. What is your child like story, what is your blinding light? What is God using to get your attention. Are you listening or are you ignoring God as if He does not know you are heading in the wrong direction. What instruction is He trying to get to you to bring you closer to Him? He is talking are you listening?

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Got the me your work

Matthew 6:1, Matthew 5:16

Good actions that lack genuine faith are nothing more than just a smoke screen to hide a hypocritical heart and mask the want for self glorification. But heart of genuine faith desires only to please God, this produces acts of service that are not focused on self gratification or to appease others. But the only focus is to bring glory to God so others may come to know Him.  You can do this.

Read the Word, Spread the Gospel,  Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"

"Fake Love = Real Hate"

1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4, Luke 6:27-36, Romans 12:9-21, Psalm 139:23

Having knowledge of God's Word, speaking in tongues, prophesying, sharing my wealth, and/or having an unshakable faith does prove that God's Spirit lives within me. These are all outward signs any hypocrite or unbeliever could mimic. Proof that God lives within me is having unconditional and unwavering love for all inwardly. Outward appearances can serve as a smoke screen to my true intent and feelings towards others. We cannot fake love. Because God is love. And cannot fool God He knows our heart, do you know your heart?

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"