Monday, April 22, 2013

"What a waste of time!"

Ephesians 5:11-17

Life is so short.  We are here today and gone tomorrow.  We are snowflakes that hit the ground and later become dissolved by salt.  Recently I was going to the grocery store to buy some silly item, my thoughts were to drive to the store, park the truck, go in the store, by the item, and come back home.  But that day it all changed for me.  When I pulled up the store ambulances and police cars were surrounding the parking lot.  The fire department even came out with their fire truck. I did not see any fire, see anyone being dragged to jail but I did see in the back of the ambulance.  The paramedics were performing CPR on someone.  The first thought that came to mind was that someone's grandfather who passed out or suffered a heart attack and the paramedics were trying to save him because I could see a family in the distance being comforted by the police.  I figured he was at least 60 to 70 years old.  But I wanted to make sure so I asked the gentleman, who was near where I parked, what happened.  He told me "A two-year old kid got run over by a truck.  The guy who hit him was 15 years old.  But there was nothing the teenager could do because he was not going fast but the little kid just ran out in front of the truck and before we could shout and try to stop him it was too late."  My heart dropped and I begin to pray, you see I was okay with a 60 to 70-year-old man dying but I was not okay with a two-year old dying.  I felt an older person has at least lived there life but a two-year old child doesn't know the meaning of life is, let alone lived it.  Before I could finish a breath I heard the ambulance doors close, a mother scream, and I knew the child was gone.  A that point I had forgotten my purpose from coming to the store or even cared about the silly item anymore.  All I could focus on was the family in need and the heartache they were feeling.

As I sit here now I think to myself how often people waste their lives.  I think about how many married couples spend more time in arguments than speaking words of love and affirmation to each other.  I think of how many parents spend more time focused on giving their child what they did not have growing up as opposed to spending time with their child.  I think of how much time Christians spend gossiping about other Christians instead of sharing the Gospel.  I think of how much time we spend chasing a lie and not submitting to the truth.  I think of how much time we spend investing in stock as opposed to investing in each other.  I think of how much time we spend hating someone as opposed to loving them.  I think of ho much time we spend trying to make sure we and our children will have a good education but we only spend an hour and thirty minutes every Sunday ensuring that someone else teaches them about Jesus.  I realize I will spend more time dead than I will alive.  So I understand my time is precious and my moment is only for a second in the eyes of God.  So how does this affect how I live my life?

Our life purpose is not please ourselves or others.  We put so much value on what we have, what we do, are how others perceive us that we lose sight of God.  When we understand that we are valuable in God's sight we don't waste time.  And we understand that we are valuable and are a great worth to Him we find an awesome JOY!  What I do, what you think of me, what I have does not, and the mistakes I have made does not define me.  But whose I am and where He has promised to take me when my life comes to an end defines me.  I am God's and He says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), I am not condemned and set free (Romans 8:1), I am God's Child, He loves me, and nothing can separate me from His Love (Romans 8:35-39, 1 John 3:1), I have security in knowing He will always be there (Hebrews 13:5), and I am fearless because God is with me (Hebrews 13:6).  So my contentment comes from Christ and not from anyone or anything in this life.

So now I live my life to please God and God alone.  My life now has become a living sacrifice to God because all I want to do is please Him by walking in His Will (Romans 12:1-3).  Now I want to spend time loving others despite how they treat me because loving others pleases God (1 John 3:21-24).  I want to spend time loving my wife and not spend time belittling her or mocking her because loving her pleases God and my wife desires to spend time respecting me as a man instead of treating me as a worthless boy because this pleases God ( Ephesians 5:22-33).  I want to spend time speaking words of affirmation to others instead of tearing the down because this pleases God (Ephesians 4:29, 5:19).  I want to spend my time bring others to know Jesus and teach them how live like a Christian instead of gossiping about their clear or private flaws because it will bring My God great delight (Matthew 28:16-20).  I want to spend time share the truth as opposed to partaking or promoting lies because I know that sharing the truth pleases God (Ephesians 5:11).  I want to spend time teaching my family God's Word because this pleases Him (Deuteronomy 11:18-19).  I want to spend time in prayer, praise, and studying God's Word because it pleases Him  (Psalm 119:9-15, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  Essentially I want to spend whatever time I have left pleasing the Lord as opposed to pleasing myself or others around me (Ephesians 5:15-17).

You only have a two certainties in life, you know you were born and you know you will die.  10 out of 10 people who are born will die. When know the day we are born but are uncertain of the day we will die.  I tis a scary thing to think about but when you know you spend your time pleasing the one who created you and serving the one who died for you death is no longer a fear but a JOY!  Because all the time you spent on this Earth was not wasted and not in vain and your result is far better than your present condition (Romans 8:18-23).  So I ask are you spending your time?

Stay focused you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

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