Monday, April 1, 2013

"Do you eat Wheaties or Weedies?"

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

The parable of the weeds tells of a farmer whose field is sabotaged by his enemy.  His adversary plants weeds next to all the farmer's wheat.  The wheat and the weeds begins to grow together.  When the workers find out what happened they ask the farmer if they should uproot the weeds, he tells them no because they will uproot the wheat by accident if they take all the weeds out.  Instead he tells them to let the weeds grow because in the end they will separate them.  The weed will be thrown into the fire while the wheat will be placed in the barn (Matthew 13:24-30)

Jesus later on explain this parable by saying He is the farmer and the adversary is the devil.  Those who follow Jesus are the wheat but those who follow the devil are the weeds.  The angels are the farm hands that will be used by God to separate His people from those who are not.  Followers of Christ will go to Heaven will those who pursued the will of the enemy will burn in Hell (Matthew 13:36-43).

This parable teaches me that in the end God will decide who is a wheat and who is a weed, not us.  It is not our job to condemn other Christians to Hell or call them workers of the devil. True we hold each other accountable, point out sin when we see it, and speak out against heresy.  But when it comes to determining the heart and intent of someone as being righteous or wicked, that is not our place.  I have found out that no one answers to me but we all will answer to God.

As Christians we want to "pluck" the weed and distinguish the wheat.  But that is not our place, God will handle that in His time.  The wheat and weeds Jesus was using in this parable looked similar and only could be distinguished when they were fully grown.  Because the weeds could not produce the grain like the wheat.  So the farmers in Jesus time would wait until the crops had follow grown to separate them.  As Christians we spend so much time calling each other "evil weeds" as opposed to praying for a "young immature wheat" .

We need to silence our mouths and stop trying "sift" each other out.  Jesus could call the Pharisees evil because He knew their hearts because He is God.  My friend, you are not.  We cannot expect to lead to people Christ if we are acting like a dysfunctional and abusive family.  No one wants to be apart of that.  Let the Lord distinguish the weeds from the wheat in His time.  This does not give us a license to sin and act any kind of way, instead it should make us consider our ways and ask ourselves "Are acting like a wheat or a weed?

Stay focused, you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

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