Sunday, March 17, 2013

Life Consultant

Genesis 13

Lot was following Abraham as Abraham was following God's Direction. Wherever Abraham went Lot was close behind. As time grew on Lot's family and his herdsman began to grow and Abraham also grew in wealth and possession. Between them they had so much stuff that the land they inhabited could not support them. Fighting and quarreling broke out between Lot's servants and Abraham's servant. Abraham spoke with Lot and said "Let's end this senseless violence because we are family, choose any part of the land you and it is yours. If you choose to the land to the left then I will take the land to the right or vice versa (paraphrased from Genesis 13: 8-9)." Lot looked up and choose the land that seemed best to him (Genesis 13:10).

It's here I think about Lot choice. He chose the land that was pleasing to his eye. I wonder if his decision was based of greed. I know that Abraham was the one who proposed the separation but Abraham's motivation appeared to stem from wanting to restore peace and he humbled himself by offering Lot the land of his choice. But Lot gave into infatuation and followed his eyes and not his heart. Not taking the time to pray are seek the Lord. Lot choose a land the was physically beautiful but spiritually dead. Lot choose Sodom and Gomorrah.

I think about the outcome of Lot decision. Lot was kidnapped by rival kings along with all his possessions were taken as well and had to be rescued by Abraham (Genesis 14:12). Lot's wife turned into salt ( Genesis 29:26), Lot's son-in-laws died in Sodom and Gomorrah because they thought he was being foolish by leaving so they ignored his warning of God's coming judgement (Genesis 19:14). His daughters became the mothers of his children ( Genesis 19:30-38). Now it is important to note that Lot was a righteous man who made a poor decisions. God sparred him from judgement because He considered Lot to be righteous ( Genesis 18:22-33, 19:29). One choice led to multiple complications that Lot could not foresee.

I wonder if he had consulted the Lord instead of trusting his eyes how different the outcome would have been. If he had walked by faith instead of sight how the story would have ended. What about you? What decisions or you making today that are based on what you see and not based on what God has told you. Because it is extremely easy to trust in our eyes, follow our hearts, and be led by our selfish desires. But the Bible makes it very clear we are to walk by faith not our sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) because when we walk by faith in the Lord we will always please Him (Hebrews 11:6). When we are walking by faith we are actively seeking after the Lord and following Him. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked (Jeremiah 17:9) so we should not follow after it or seek to fulfill its desires. Instead we should seek after the Lord and His Righteousness (Matthew 6:33). We should not be led by our evil desires, we should rather we should be led by the Spirit of God and trust that He will make the clear to us if we ask for His Wisdom (Galatians 5:16, James 1:5-9).

So I implore you friends to seek the Lord before making a life changing decision. Trust in the Lord's direction and courageously follow it despite what you feel. Because you simply don;t know the outcome of your decision. But He knows the outcome of His plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Stay focused you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

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