Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Here I am Lord, a Disciple and not a Pharisee

Matthew 10:1, 1 Corinthians 1:26-30

It's a great misunderstanding as to whom God sends out.  Our education, up bringing, status in life, title, etc.  does not decide whom He chooses to spread His message.  We must first all realize that God has called us all to share the Gospel and make disciples  (Matthew 28:18-20).  This is charge and commandment to everyone who calls themselves a Christian.  Secondly please remember that God looks at the heart of a man and not the outward ( 1 Samuel 16:7). I say all this because when Jesus sent out his twelve disciples they were not well-educated men.  They where not Scribes, Pharisees, or Sadducees.  They were doctors, fisherman, and tax collectors.   There was nothing special about them except they had spent time with Jesus.

Sometimes we think that only the Pastor, Religious Professor, or the Elder are qualified to speak and teach about the Gospel.  Spending time immersed in the Word and Prayer is what qualifies you.  Gaining  true understanding of the Word and getting wisdom from God qualifies you.

You may not be the brightest light bulb in the bunch and you may be lacking in public speech techniques but this does not mean God cannot use you.  In fact you are exactly who God wants to use (1 Corinthians 1:26).   Jesus could have used the a Pharisee because they rigorously kept laws.  He could have used a Scribe because they knew ever law.  Or He could have used the Sadducees because they had status.  No instead He used a fisherman named Peter, who at times struggled with his faith, He used a tax collector named Matthew who was known as a sinner, and He used two brothers named James and John whose mother wanted them to be famous.  Jesus saw something in these men that He did not see in the religious leaders.  He saw a heart that wanted to see the Will of God done.  He saw men who sat at His feet and learned what the Good News was all about.  He saw men that could recognize Jesus as God and not see Him as an enemy.  He saw disciples. What He looks at you what does He see,a Disciple or Pharisee? He can use anyone friends, so let him use you.

Stay focused, you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

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