Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Persecute Him...I think?"

Luke 23:33-39

His clothes were gambled away, he was mocked, scoffed, and railed at, all while hanging on the cross in an enormous amount of pain. In the midst of all this He prayed that the Lord would forgive them all. Sure He could have prayed for God to pour His cup of wrath on the people but he did not. He choose to see the people as God sees them, sinners in need of a Savior

But this Bible passage has caused me to wonder about my own life. How many times have I scoffed, mocked, or railed at someone who is suffering. Because it is so easy to to look at someone who is having a tough time in life and make condemning opinions. When I see others going through a tougher predicament of life than I am, it is easy to say things like "He can help everybody else but he can't help himself", "She is not so tough now", or "I knew they weren't in God's Will." How many times has someone prayed, "Lord forgive Joseph he does not know what he is doing." How many times, unknown to me, have I needed grace for forgiveness? How many times have I been quick to speak and slow to listen as opposed to doing it Gods's way (James 1:19).

Friends I am not discounting accountability, we need accountability (Galatians 6:1). However making rash judgments based off what we see is not biblical and does not promote the righteousness of God. The only things it does is boast our ego but be forewarned God will always humble the proud and destruction will soon find you(James 4:6, proverbs 16:18).

So instead let us have compassion and mercy with those going trough rocky moments in life and surround with love, mercy, and hope ( 2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Stay focused you can do this.

"In His JOY!"

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