Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Dysfunctional Family Promises"

For the past two weeks I have read Genesis 37 over and over again. It is an awesome chapter in The Bible that covers a great deal of issues. I have often heard the story of Joseph being described from the pulpit as "Delayed but not denied", meaning that Joseph's blessings and/or purpose did meet some hindrance by others but it did not stop God's blessing. I grew up hearing that and I am not writing to speak out against it but this week I saw the ordeal of the life of Joseph, his father Jacob, and his eleven brothers totally differently.

Let me explain, Joseph was born to into the household of Jacob when Jacob was very old. Because the birth of Joseph occurred while Jacob was well in years, Jacob loved him more than his other children and made him a coat of many colors (Genesis 37:3). This act of love towards Joseph left his brothers feeling rejected by their father and fueled their hatred toward Joseph (Genesis 37:4). Joseph would always report his brothers mischief to his father and I am sure this fueled the fire (Genesis 37:2).

To make matters worse Joseph told his brothers of the dreams he had for the past two nights where Joseph was the center of attention and all of his brothers, father, and mother bowed to him as a servant does to his master. This angered Joseph's brother and led to Jacob publicly rebuking Joseph for even bring up the notion. The brothers became jealous of Joseph after this encounter but Jacob pondered on what Joseph had told them all ( Genesis 37:5-11).

Sometime later Joseph went out into the field to work with his brothers, but little did he know that his brothers were plotting to kill him. The only thing that prevented Joseph's murder was his eldest brother Reuben who convinced his brothers not to harm Joseph. Unfortunately this only lasted for so long because after Reuben left Joseph's brothers threw him into a well and sold him into slavery. When Reuben returned he found out that Joseph was now working a new job as a slave in Egypt and his brothers had dipped his coat in goat's blood to cover up their sin. When they all returned home they told Jacob a wolf killed Joseph and showed Jacob his favorite son's bloody robe as proof. Jacob cold not be consoled and decided he would mourn until his death over his son Joseph (Genesis 37:12-36).

But what is the purpose of knowing information and how can it help us? Think about it like this, if Jacob had stopped for a moment and recalled Joseph's dream, things may have gone differently when his sons told him Joseph was dead. Jacob was relaying on the word of (men) his sons and not the vision that God had given his son Joseph (God's Word). If Jacob had realized that his entire family had not yet bowed to Joseph, he would have said "My son lives!" instead of mourning over the word of liars.

How often have we all been in this predicament. God tells us something but we put more trust in the words of men, this leads us to wail and complain to God about broken promises. But if we kept our hope and faith in God we would realize it is a matter of faith for the people of God and not a matter their of circumstance.

This leads me to the second thing I learned, How many of us grew up in families just like Joseph, you know dysfunctional. Who would you blame for what happened in Jacob's family? Jacob because he was the father who showed favoritism? Joseph because he may have had a "smart mouth" and boasted about his dreams? The brothers because they did not correctly deal with their anger? We all can easily point fingers at everyone in this story because we are on the outside looking in. But what about your family? Some of us have not spoken with our children in years. Some of us blame our parents for our poor choices and the consequences we have suffered because of them. Some of us cannot stand our siblings whether are our biological, step siblings, or adopted. And some of us hate our in-laws and blame them for how our spouses act, we think our spouses parents did a poor job raising them. Never the less, we are all just like Jacob's family, dysfunctional. But this brings me back to the question, whose fault is it for all the family's woes? I blame everyone, no one has clean hands in this mess, no one is guiltless, all I have sinned in some form towards one another. But the lack of communication in the family added fuel to the fire, created strife, misconstrued words, and lead to sinful actions. Much like if we were honest about the problems in our families we would all see that everyone has played apart in the mess we are currently in.

But God knew what He was doing, He knew how to bring a family together and restore what was loss. He had to bring a "somewhat prideful" Joseph to a place of humility and forgiveness. In the beginning Joseph's brother spoke harshly with him and hated him (Genesis 37:4) but in the end Joseph had great compassion for them and spoke kindly to him (Genesis 50:19-21). God had to humble Joseph's brother and show to them His plan. The vision was not about Joseph, Joseph was just the chosen tool God used to save them. So their jealousy was without merit (it is funny how we hate who God chooses to use but we love the blessing we receive because of His choice). The boy they had cast out because of hate had become the man who would welcome them with love. The guilt that they carried for all though years would be wiped away with grace, mercy, and forgiveness (Genesis 45:4-10). God gave Jacob beauty for ashes, joy for his mourning, and praise for his despair (Genesis 37:32-35, 45:26-28, Isaiah 61:3).

God proved that His Word will never fail but it will accomplish the mission for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:10,11). Ever promise spoken out of the mouth of God will never be broken and will always come to pass this is why we walk by faith and not by sight because God's Word is more real than our reality. Listen this is also why we pray before we act and we wait to hear God's clear guidance in ever circumstance (Proverbs 3:5-6). Because His way his higher and better than our way (Isaiah 55:8-9) and we have a tendency of acting out of emotions (like Joseph, Jacob,and his brothers) as opposed to acting out of faith. This is why we read the Word to build our faith and show us what path to take (Psalm 119:105). And this is why we fellowship with believers because we need someone to remind us of what God has said and not we others are saying (Proverbs 27:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:11).

For you parents with wayward adult children, I say to you trust in God and stay steadfast in your faith because God knows what He is doing. God often uses the trials of life as sand paper to smooth our rough out our immaturity (James 1:2-4). So even if you hate to see your child suffer, count it all joy because God is doing something great, just stand back and let God do His Job. You siblings who have quarreled for years, stop! Be like Joseph and see how God has changed you and your brother/sister. Appreciate the time you have now, like Joseph did with his brothers. See the bigger picture, it is not just about you and your opinions/feelings. It's about God accomplishing His Will (Genesis 50:15-21). Honor one another's unique gifts and encourage one another in the Lord. For you adult children who are dealing with feelings of rejection, bitterness, and issues that stem from your upbringing, stop blaming your parents! Instead of complaining take accountability for your reactions and stop allowing the past actions of others to decide your future. If we all look back hard enough we could blame our parents for everything. But God tells us to forget what is behind and press towards Christ (Philippians 3:14). At some point you have to move on and give grace. Joseph lost of over twenty years he could have spent with his father due to ignorance. His brothers lost over twenty they could have spent with Joseph because of hurt feelings. Don't rob yourself of the years you could now be spending with your parents or your siblings for that matter. And to all I say, do not worry but give your entire family over to God. Listen for His direction and trust His Word. Hold onto His Word despite the current circumstances and frustrations. Though you may cry now you will rejoice in the end. Please understand there are some pains only God can heal and some wounds only God can mend. Trust me He has a way of making dysfunctional families who live in their emotions into functional families who abide in Christ. Stay focused, you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be accountable.

World's Worst Selfie

Hearing the Word but not applying it to your life is like taking a selfie and forgetting who took the picture and who is in the picture.
James 1:22-25

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"From coals to diamonds"

We count it all JOY! when we face the trials of life, not because God will give us the victory over our circumstances or defeat our enemies (this is not our focus). We count it all JOY! because God is making us more like Him. He is changing us from the inside out. Our temporary suffering is not pointless but on the contrary it has an eternal purpose, so love those who may "seem" (in your present circumstances) as the source of your pain, they are just sandpaper God is using to make you smooth. Praying and believing with all of you who are facing difficult times, it takes pressure to turn coal (our hearts) into diamonds (an undivided heart towards God). Stay focused you can do this!

James 1:2-4, Nehemiah 8:10

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

"The Lord will Provide"

You know why I like talking to my family about what God is doing in their lives because I God always uses them to show me wonderful things about the truth of His Word. After talking with my sister today the Lord really open my eyes about trusting in His Provision and not my vision.

It is God's Will that we should have a Savior who could bear the punishment of our sin and take the penalty of death on our behalf (Isaiah 53). None of us could provide what was necessary or had the strength to endure the punishment in order to accomplish God's Will. We are all reliant upon God to provide for us the needed provision to accomplish His Will. That provision was in Jesus (Romans 5:8-11). Because whatever God Wills He provides for. Funny how we trust God enough to provide for us what is required for our redemption and salvation but we struggle to believe that God will provide what we need in order to do His Will here on Earth.

I mean think about it God has a purpose and plan for everyone on Earth. The first part of the plan is for you accept Jesus to (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9), the second is simply it is just to do His Will (Matthew 28:18-20). For each and everyone of us God has a plan that His has chosen for us to so we can accomplish His Will (Jeremiah 29:11). His plan does not promise us fame and fortune and it does not guarantee we will like every part of it. But the fact remains wherever He calls us to go, whatever He calls us to do, whenever He calls us to do it God will provide what we need to do it. So why worry about the provision when the Provider is your Lord? Simple question to ask but we all seem to struggle with it. I am not saying you do not need to work and money is going to fall out of the sky. All I am saying is stop fretting over what you lack and start believing that whatever God has willed in your life, He will provide what you need to do it. Whether it is people to help mentor you, a place to live, a job to have, or the strength to do to endure. He will always provide, you only need to be obedient and follow after Him (Matthew 6: 25:-34). The same God that provided what you needed for your soul will provide the things you need to do His Will. And the cool thing is this, in the end the only person that can receive the Glory is Jesus! How awesome is that! Stay focused you can do this!

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

"You are more than a monkey"

When we teach kids life was accidentally credited and they evolved from animals, we have successful told them their life is a mistake, they have no purpose, it is okay to embrace their animal instincts, and after you die you will cease to exist. But if we tell them that God created all we see for the purpose of man, designed us after His likeness, and provided away for us to eternally enjoy Him, We have effectively told them you have purpose, you were designed after greatness, you are loved, and death is not the end if you choose to accept God. Let's show our children they have purpose. Stay focused you can do this!

Genesis 1:1,26 John 3:16-18

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be accountable.

"It's hard to complain when you are praising"

Trusting in God leads us to praise God but doubting in God leads to complain against God. 
Philippians 4:6, Proverbs 3:5-6, Exodus 14:10-14

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

"The Electricity, Outlet, and Radio"

During devotion my daughter Brooklyn says, " Daddy God is like electricity, Jesus is the outlet, and we are radios. The radio (us) plugs into (accept) the outlet (Jesus) and turns on. The music that comes out is us sharing the Gospel for everyone to hear. But the radios that don't plugin (accept) the outlet (Jesus) are thrown into the trash (Hell). " I said "Who did you learn that from?" She said, "No one". I told her "No someone did teach you that." Brooklyn replied, "Wait it was the Holy Spirit". Thankful my children are learning to listen to the Lord and know His Voice. Never underestimate how precious and important reading God's Word is with your family. It helps them to grow in Christ and recognize God's Voice. Never forget that your family is your first ministry. Stay focused, you can do this.

Joshua 24:15, John 10:27, Deuteronomy 11:19-20

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be accountable.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Prison Walls

If we do not walk in forgiveness towards others we will build a fortress of bitterness to shut people out of our lives and bring others harm in our pursuit of justice. We will also build a prison that holds us captive with hate. Forgiveness brings freedom, be free!

Ephesians 4:32, Romans 12:19, Colossians 3:13,

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be accountable.