Sunday, May 4, 2014

"My haters are my motivators...what scripture is that from?"

If we focus on how much someone hates us we will never see how much God loves them. If we use to the scripture to tear our "haters" down how can we expect to build them up in God's love. If we stay focused on what people are saying about us we will never hear what God has already decreed about us. When people use God's Word to lift themselves up and push their "haters" down it shows spiritual immaturity and lack of confidence in God. Your "haters" are not your motivators, that is just a mask used to cover up the sting of rejection and/or critique. Christ is your motivation not hate. If we all took the time to listens to our "haters" we might actually see that most of them are holding us accountable and trying to help us grow but we become ultra sensitive and refuse to listen. Grow up Christians (yes I am talking to you) The Word of God is not a weapon for a holy war against one another. It doesn't matter what that famous preacher said about "haters", it's still wrong and they only said it so you could by their book or give them free advertising by re-posting their status update (c'mon son, high five!!). This is not meant to harm anyone nor it is it a personal attack but stop posting scripture to lift up yourself and tear someone else down, that is what unbelievers do and we are not them, we are children of God so let us "post" like it. Stay focused, you can do this. Ephesians 4:1-3,15-24,29 "In His JOY!" Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be accountable.

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