Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Monsters under my bed"

At night we tend to find ourselves left alone to battle our thoughts. The worries of the day, fears of tomorrow, and uncertainty of the outcome of our problems keep us up. They are the monsters under our bed that lay in wait to attack us. They remind us of how weak and frail we are. The show us our inability to control life and solve its problems. For those who do not know Christ, this is something they face every night. So they turn to addictions, spend countless nights club hopping, and/or find other ways to stop the noise of their worried soul. But you Christian are not like them. You have a Solution. You have a shelter you can run to. Between you and your problems stands The Almighty. You can trust Him, He will not fail you. He tells you not to fear the terrorist of the night, the seeds of worry that grow in your thoughts throughout the day, the monster of problems that lurk in your inner most thoughts, or the dreadful reports you received during the noon hour. We need not fear any of these because Christ is our shield and protection. Because His faithfulness to us does not wane or falter. He cannot grow weak, weary, or tired. Our problems bow in His presence and submit to His Will. The monster of life my hide under our beds but he is no match for The Lion of Judah. We call our Protector by name and He answers, He is more than our body-guard, He is our Father who guards our soul. There is none like Him and they will never be one like Him. He is the Irreplaceable, One and Only, True and Just, Holy and Worthy God. And we rest assured knowing that the One who watches us does not sleep nor slumber. It is our hope in Him that renews our strength. Because He has given us rest and has troubled our troubles so that they turn and flee. He stays up so we can sleep, so rest easy tonight. Your Guardian is on duty. Psalm 91, 121:3-4, Isaiah 40:28

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable

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