Sunday, January 11, 2015

"You adversary is real"

The devil is real and he is constantly trying to steal, kill, and destroy everything in the life of Christians (John 10:10). When do not give in to his attacks out right he uses deception to creep in and attack us. He tells us lies that are close enough to the truth that we believe it and start to stray away from the truth. He destroys our fellowship with other believers by reminding of us their past, present, and possible future offenses which causes arguments and stirs up strife. He is the root cause of every source of evil there is. He condemns when we fall and tells us that we are horrible people, we lose all hope, and think God can't love or use someone like me. He tries to scar us away when we are close to doing, accomplishing or getting what Has for us through thoughts of doubt, reminders of past failures, and throwing obstacles in our way. 

BUT if we spend time in the Word and remain faithful in prayer we will be sensitive to God's Spirit and have enough discernment to see through his schemes and recognize when it is spiritual warfare. We will be able to spot heresy when we hear it as opposed to believing it. We will walk with grace toward one another, forgiving one another, and reconciling with one another after an offense has accrued. Instead of falling into condemnations when we sin we will be convicted of our sin and turn away from as opposed to wallowing in it. Instead of being scared of the obstacles that stands in our way, we will see the roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) but we will not fear because we know that the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5) protects us and we can boldly go forward and do what God has called us to do.

Recognize the enemy for who he is and who he is not, but also recognize God for who He truly is. Because of Christ we are not defeated, destroyed, or in despair (2 Corinthians 4:8-9) . Because of Christ we have true life (John 10:10), we have peace (John 14:27), and we have JOY (Jon 17:13)! but you will not know these things if you do not spend time reading and applying God's Word to your life (Psalm 119:15) as well as spending more time listening to God through prayer as opposed to dominating the conversation, be still and let him search your heart so you can grow (Psalms 139:23) Spending time with the Lord brings about a great results but neglecting to do so bring about unwanted consequences.

"In His JOY!"

Read the Word, Share the Gospel, Be Accountable.

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