Sunday, July 7, 2013


Proverbs 19:20

My generation is often described in with one word that begins with an "e", can you guess what it is? People from my generation would say it's "empowered", "energetic", "entrepreneur", or even "educated". But it is neither, we are often called "entitled". Because we are often thought of as people who feel entitled to everything but act as if we have to earn nothing. And it is true, we can carry "The World Owes Me" persona and we expect unearned respect, promotions, authority, and power. We even feel entitled to blessings from Jesus because we are special. This carry's over in how we treat the generations before us, we find ourselves treating those older than us with no honor and no respect. It creates friction because we think that the older generation knows nothing but we walk as if we know everything. If you look at the teen movies that became popular in our generation and are popular now they all carry the same theme "Daddy wants his son to do what he says, but the son rebels and breaks away because he is own man at the rip old age of 18 and he has life all figured out", "The daughter falls in love with the rebel from school, the overbearing mother, who has repressed her own sinful desires since high school, holds her back but the daughter and the rebel get married and run off in the sunset with no money, job, or place to live."

The truth is entitlement is a fancy way to say "I am prideful." Make no mistake about it that God opposes the prideful but His Grace is given to the humble (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5). Humility is the only cure for the case of "I-know-it-all-idis". The generations before us can teach us decades of wisdom. A couple celebrating 30 years of marriage can teach so much to newly weds. A manager at your job who has been in the career field for 20 years can offer insight to a new employee but it takes us being humble enough to admit that we need help. We must willing say, "I know nothing, will you teach me, mentor me, help, show me the way". I see young prideful preachers close their ears to anyone offering help. My generation tends to look at the older generation in judgement. Thoughts like "They think they know everything", They are always trying to control my life", or "They are so old-fashioned" run through our heads. But listen, the truth is, they have been where we have not, lived our dream, done what we are hoping to do, and could write a book about it. 

But lack of humility we lead you to a place where God will humble you (Matthew 23:12). If you fail to show honor, humility, and respect to someone older than you or even someone who has authority over you how do you expect to show it to God? God does require us to honor those in higher positions than us as well as those who are older than us (Leviticus 19:32, Romans 13:7). When we learn to stand on the shoulders of those who came before us by allowing them to mentor us and learn from their wisdom we will grow. Pride will only bring you disgrace but humility will bring you wisdom (Proverbs 11:2). And you cannot expect anyone to honor you if fail to show humility (Proverbs 15:33).

This is not a knock against my generation and this is not to say that you are not due honor nor that you have nothing to offer. It is simply to say this, learn from those who have gone before you. Stand on their shoulders and let them lift you up with their wisdom. You can do this!

Read the Word, Spread the Gospel, Be Accountable

"In His JOY!"

1 comment:

  1. Completely convicted... sometimes, often times this is my mentality towards my MIL.. I'm in tears.. thanks for sharing... My beloved has so much work to do in my heart.. Thankfully He is ever so patient with me. Thank you!

    Norma G.
