2 Corithians 4:5
"Our message is not about ourselves. It is about Jesus Christ as the Lord. We are your servants for his sake. " When I was younger, sharing Christ was all about me, I was prideful and felt that I was one of "God's Chosen". I had mistaken my pride for a false sense of "God Given" authority. More and more the message and the ministry became all about me. I named and claimed ble...ssings for purely selfish reasons and not so I could be a blessing to someone ("Yep, I said it"). Thank God for grace! My friends we must learn to be "Chirst Centered" and not "Me Centered". When we are filled up with nothing but us we are no longer sharing the Gospel of Eternal Salvation but merely giving others our own temporal methods of worldy survial. Pride is a sin make no mistake. So I implore you to revalute the message that you are really sharing with others, Chirst is not looking for salesman and saleswoman who are just trying to close the deal for their glory. He is looking for servants who are only concerned about serving Him, because He is the Hope of Glory, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God and we are not. Stay focused, you can do this.
"In His Joy"